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Freitag, 1. Mai 2015

AFLPA to consult with players over hair testing -

AFLPA to consult with players over hair testing

Peter Ryan  May 1, 2015 3:36 PM

AFL players could agree to hair testing during the 2015 season as part of a review of the League’s illicit drugs policy.

The information gathered would be used for statistical purposes only to help build an evidence base to inform any potential amendments to the policy, which was introduced in 2005 after agreement from the players.

The proposal was discussed at a meeting of the AFL Players Association board, attended last Wednesday by AFL football operations manager Mark Evans and AFL chief medical officer Peter Harcourt. 

The AFLPA offered to seek approval as soon as practical from players for in-season hair testing for statistical purposes only to start with. 

Hair testing is currently only conducted between seasons to gather information on the amount and nature of illicit drug use by players when on leave and any change to the testing protocols would need player approval. 

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AFLPA to consult with players over hair testing -

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