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Freitag, 1. Mai 2015

Geelong confirms Brad Hartman will quit the club -

Geelong confirms Brad Hartman will quit the club

Ben Guthrie  May 1, 2015 5:27 PM

GEELONG has parted ways with young midfielder Brad Hartman.

The 20-year-old has been on temporary leave from the club, spending time at home in South Australia over the past six weeks.

Hartman, his parents and AFL Players Association general manager Ian Prendergast met on Thursday and agreed the decision was in the best interests of all involved.

"Brad has had some issues meeting the professional standards expected of an AFL player and was at home considering whether or not he would continue," Geelong football manager Steve Hocking said in a statement.

"We have been in contact with Brad while he has been away and met with Brad and his family and advisors. During those discussions it became clear for all parties that stepping away from the game was the best course of action for Brad at this time of his life.

"The club will continue to offer support to Brad as he transitions away from the club. 

These situations, particularly in dealing with young players, are never easy, particularly as they play out in a public forum. We wish Brad all the best in all of his future endeavours."

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Geelong confirms Brad Hartman will quit the club -

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