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Freitag, 1. Mai 2015

Woomeras to compete in Youth Girls National Championships -

Woomeras to compete in Youth Girls National Championships

May 1, 2015 5:07 PM

The AFL’s female Indigenous squad, the Woomeras will compete in the Under 18 Youth Girls National Championships held in Mandurah, Western Australia in May. 

Selected from the National Female KickStart Championships, the program has been established to provide young Indigenous females with the opportunity to develop on and off the football field.

AFL Head of Diversity Jason Mifsud said the Woomeras program symbolises strength and power – launching the young women into their futures using football to engage and empower. 

"The program enables the participants to be in an elite environment where they can work on their football skills, personal development and leadership skills," said Mr Mifsud. 
The AFL is pleased to announce the following players have been selected into the 2015 Woomeras squad:

Tyeisha Tighe (NSW), Brahe Reid (NSW), Chekena Wilson (NSW), Claudia Haines (ACT), Zania Rice (SA), Carron Daveson (SA), Elise Muller (VIC), Jacana Drill (VIC), Hayley Smith (VIC), Alyx Glanville (VIC), Kiarra White (NT), Jessica Stassi (NT), Taylor Thorn (NT), Madison Yarran (WA), Ashleigh Bennett (WA), Emily MacGuire (WA), Kathleen Prosser (WA), Tamika Coyne (WA), Danika Corcoran (TAS), Sophie Townsend (TAS), Ashley Murphy (TAS), Pamai Dau (QLD), Te’anna Fujii (QLD), Delma Gisu (QLD), Moesha Morris (QLD)

Woomeras Match Schedule, Youth Girls National Championships:
Monday May 4: Woomeras v NSW/ACT, Bendigo Bank Stadium 
Tuesday May 5: Woomeras v Thunder, Bendigo Bank Stadium
Thursday May 7: Woomeras v SA, Bendigo Bank Stadium
Friday May 8: Female Youth Championships Finals, Bendigo Bank Stadium

Woomeras to compete in Youth Girls National Championships -

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